Smart Marketing Chatbot Solutions Powered by Generative AI

With over4.2 billion social media users worldwide, the digital landscape offers businesses an unparalleled opportunity to connect with their audience. The surge in the use of messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram provides a prime channel for engaging with customers. Further, there is a 13% increase in usage of voice devices such as Google Home and Amazon Alexa. Customers and Prospects are now spending a significant chunk of their time on these newer channels.
Smart Marketing Chatbot Solutions Powered by Generative AI
However, the challenge lies in effectively leveraging these platforms for marketing, customer service, and guiding customers from initial interest to the final purchase. Addressing all customer requests with precision and promptly on website, app and all social media platforms through manual efforts is not feasible.

This limitation underscores the need for automated solutions and strategies to manage the vast volume of interactions and maintain high-quality customer service across all digital touchpoints.

Do you know?


80% of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its products or services.

– Salesforce, State of the Connected Customer

The average email open rate stands at just 17.92%, illustrating the challenge of engaging customers through traditional channels.

– Campaign Monitor,2023 Email Marketing Benchmarks

A report indicates that when businesses respond to customer service requests on social media, those customers end up spending 20-40% more with the company.

– Sprout Social

Studies show that 71% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend the brand to their friends and family.

– Sprout Social
In today’s digital-first environment, businesses face significant marketing challenges that impact their growth and customer engagement. According to HubSpot’s State of Inbound Report, 63% of companies see generating traffic and leads as their top marketing challenge. Furthermore, keeping customers engaged in a crowded digital space is difficult, with only 22% of businesses reporting satisfaction with their conversion rates, as noted by Econsultancy’s Conversion Rate Optimization Report.

Enter Omnichannel Smart Chatbot Solutions

By leveraging Omnichannel Smart Chatbot Solutions, businesses can meet their customers where they are, enhancing the customer journey at every touchpoint from inquiry to purchase.

The introduction of conversational AI solutions that offer instant responses significantly improves customer engagement. As customers get immediate answers to their queries, their engagement levels surge, leading to an increase in the average time spent on digital platforms. This enhanced engagement not only improves website rankings but also significantly boosts leads and sales.
Smart Marketing Chatbot Solutions Powered by Generative AI
With Gartner’s forecast that AI chatbots could add up to $2 trillion in business value by 2030, integrating AI into marketing strategies is not just beneficial but essential for staying ahead in the competitive game.

This shift highlights the necessity for businesses to adapt to changing customer engagement dynamics.
Smart Marketing Chatbot Solutions Powered by Generative AI
While chatbot solutions present a viable avenue to bridge the gap between customer expectations and business offerings, merely deploying these technologies isn’t enough. The modern consumer’s expectations have evolved; people no longer find value in static, rudimentary responses. Instead, they seek an interactive and engaging experience that mirrors human interaction as closely as possible. This demand necessitates the development and implementation of smart, AI-powered chatbots that can understand, learn from, and respond to customer queries in a manner that feels personal and intuitive.

The Generative AI Revolution in Chatbot Technology

The integration of Generative AI into chatbot technology has revolutionized the way businesses engage with their customers. According to a 2023 report by AI Trends, generative AI chatbots have the potential to boost engagement rates by as much as 50% over traditional chatbots. This is primarily due to their ability to produce responses that are not only more natural but also contextually appropriate, making interactions feel less robotic and more like conversing with a human.

Advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI platforms have been central to this transformation, making chatbots significantly smarter and more adaptable. Furthermore, the application of Generative AI has enabled chatbots to learn from interactions over time, continually improving their responses and the relevance of their conversations. This level of automation, personalization and understanding was previously unattainable with earlier chatbot technologies.
Smart Marketing Chatbot Solutions Powered by Generative AI
Incorporating Generative AI chatbots into an omnichannel marketing approach enables businesses to extend their reach through platforms like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, SMS, and voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. According to Juniper Research, the business value of Generative AI chatbots is expected to hit $112 billion by 2024.

Generative AI bot not only enhances customer interaction across social media platforms but also improves marketers’ customer targeting precision. ABCG survey found that 41% of CMOs use Generative AI for better targeting, leveraging advanced customer segmentation. This leads to more efficient marketing efforts, focusing on segments with the highest engagement and conversion potential, thereby boosting ROI.

However, it’s crucial to recognize that not all generative AI chatbots that claim to be intelligent are truly equipped to meet these expectations. The market is saturated with solutions that promise advanced capabilities but fall short in delivering a genuinely smart, conversational experience. This underscores the importance of choosing a solution that truly stands out in terms of intelligence and adaptability.

We offer Smart AI Chatbots across the following Industries

 Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas
F & B
Real Estate

Introducing Smart Marketing Chatbots – Powered by Generative AI

Streebo, a leading digital transformation and AI company, is at the forefront of leveraging generative AI technology to revolutionize chatbot capabilities. By integrating advanced NLP engines such as IBM Watson, Google DialogFlow, Microsoft Azure CLU, and Amazon Lex, along with Generative AI platforms including Enterprise GPT on Microsoft Azure, IBM Watsonx, Google Gemini, and FMs available on AWS SageMaker & BedRock, we have developed smart, powerful, and ready-to-deploy marketing chatbot solutions. These solutions are designed to serve the unique needs of various industries, ensuring stringent data security and compliance while incorporating advanced technology from industry giants IBM, Microsoft, Google, and AWS.
Smart Marketing Chatbot Solutions Powered by Generative AI
The technical sophistication of these chatbots enables a nuanced understanding and processing of natural language, allowing them to engage in more meaningful conversations with potential customers. This is crucial for marketing, where the goal is to not only provide information but also to guide users toward making a purchase decision or taking the desired action.

Furthermore, these Generative AI Powered chatbots are pre-integrated with marketing & analytics software, as well as backend systems like CRM and ERP. They are capable of extending buying experiences across numerous social media and voice-enabled platforms, including WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, SMS, Telegram, Instagram, Signal, WeChat, Skype, Google Home, and Amazon Alexa. By enhancing marketing teams with these 24/7 available intelligent bots, companies can significantly increase customer outreach and improve lead-to-customer conversion rates.

Top Use Cases of Smart & Safe Marketing Chatbots with Generative AI Capabilities

Lead Generation and Qualification
Chatbots can engage website visitors by initiating conversations, asking qualifying questions, and capturing contact information. This helps in identifying potential leads and moving them through the sales funnel efficiently.
Customer Support and Assistance
They can provide instant responses to customer queries and common issues, offering support 24/7 on all platforms web, app or social media. By addressing customer concerns in real-time, they enhance the overall customer experience and satisfaction.
Order Management and Tracking
They assist customers in placing orders, tracking shipments, and managing returns or exchanges seamlessly. This streamlines the buying process and improves overall customer satisfaction.
Event Promotion and Management
They provide information about upcoming events, assist with registrations, and send reminders to attendees. This helps in promoting events effectively and enhancing the overall event experience for participants.
Abandoned Cart Recovery
They send automated messages to remind customers about items left in their shopping carts, encouraging them to complete their purchase. This reduces cart abandonment rates and boosts sales revenue.
Feedback Collection and Surveys
They can conduct surveys or polls to gather feedback from customers, helping businesses understand customer preferences, pain points, and satisfaction levels. This valuable data can guide decision-making and drive continuous improvement.
Automated Follow-Up
After capturing contact information, they can send automated follow-up messages or emails to nurture leads further and move them through the sales funnel.
Automated Lead Nurturing Campaigns
Marketing chatbots can automatically nurture leads by sending targeted messages or offers based on their behavior and preferences, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

These Pre-trained Marketing Bots are Trained in the Following Operations

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Store/Branch Locator
Product/Service Catalog
Generate a Quote
Register New Users
Place an Order
Gift Cards
Product Reviews and Feedback
Offers and Promotions
Profile Management
Online Payment
Contact Us / Customer Support (Live Agent)

Key Business Benefits

Cost Reduction
Companies implementing marketing chatbots can experience significant savings, with some reporting up to a 30% reduction in customer support operational costs.

– Juniper Research
Personalized User Journeys
Tailored marketing pathways increase user engagement and conversion rates, with businesses witnessing a 50% improvement in the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

– Accenture
Enhanced Engagement Rates
Chatbots create engaging experiences, boosting user interaction rates by up to 70% on all platforms.

– Salesforce
Improved Customer Satisfaction
Marketing chatbots provide timely, personalized interactions, resulting in a 45% improvement in customer satisfaction scores.

Improved SEO
The integration of marketing chatbots also contributes to improved Search Engine Optimization (SEO). By engaging users with relevant content and keeping them on the site longer, chatbots help reduce bounce rates and increase pageviews.
Increased Sales
Businesses utilizing marketing chatbots for sales and lead generation have seen an average increase in sales conversions of 35%, attributed to the chatbots’ ability to engage and nurture leads 24/7.

– Drift

Key Differentiators of Our Generative AI Powered Smart Chatbot Solution for Marketing

Multilingual Engagement
Offers support in over 38 languages for a global reach, ensuring effective communication with a diverse audience, enhancing inclusivity in marketing efforts.
Efficient System Integration
Seamlessly connects with marketing platforms and CRM systems, optimizing data flow and operational efficiency, ensuring a unified marketing strategy.
Versatile Interaction Modes
Provides text and voice interaction options, catering to user preferences for a customizable communication experience, enriching engagement strategies.
Expanded Email Communication
Integrates email interactions, offering comprehensive communication channels, broadening reach and engagement possibilities.
Human Touch Integration
Escalates complex queries to live support, blending AI efficiency with human insight, ensuring comprehensive customer service.
Unstructured Data Analysis
Processes varied data sources for deeper insights, informing strategic marketing decisions with a broad data perspective.
Sophisticated Data Handling
Uses advanced algorithms for data categorization and analysis, supporting targeted and informed marketing campaigns.
Advanced Voice Recognition
Utilizes voice recognition to facilitate natural conversations, offering users an intuitive, hands-free way to interact, improving user experience.
Omnichannel Consistency
Ensures a seamless customer experience across all digital platforms-like web, app, and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and more maintaining engagement continuity and brand integrity.
Flexible Cloud Deployment
Available on major cloud platforms, providing adaptability to technological preferences and infrastructure requirements, facilitating easy integration.
Market-Savvy AI
Embeds deep marketing insights for context-aware interactions, personalizing customer communications, and enhancing satisfaction.

Pricing Options

Capex Option
You can choose to buy the Bot solution.
Opex Option
You can choose to Subscribe to our Bot solution for a fixed monthly charge.
Pay Per Usage
This is a conversation-based subscription and tied to the number of conversations & messages the bot handles. Thus you only pay if the Bot is getting used and is actually deflecting calls.

Engage, Convert, and

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Experience firsthand how our chatbots can maximize efficiency, boost sales, and enhance customer satisfaction. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to innovate your marketing approach.

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