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Mobile Healthcare App Development

Widespread adoption and use of mobile technology in the healthcare sector is a growing trend that is transforming how many healthcare services are delivered. Mobile apps can help providers monitor customer health better and enable them improve customer relations and drive retention.

Streebo’s Mobile Healthcare Suite aids your end customers in managing their own health thorough chatbots and omnichannel solutions on mobile, tablets and desktop. Promoting healthy living, gaining access to useful customer information and analyzing trends and driving retention through analytics tools can be easily attained through a mobile solution.



Comprehensive Security

to facilitate secure payments

Faster Time to Market

leveraging our existing app assets

Flexible Deployment Options

of installing software in-house or using cloud

Multi-Channel Access

such as IVR, SMS and near-field communication (NFC)

Incremental Revenue

by creating a new channel for acquisition and repeat patients

In-app Notifications

for delivering important alerts immediately on patient smartphones

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